Corporate compliance is a natural part of the company's internal strategy and company culture
It is part of the system which guarantees compliance of internal rules with external obligations, while putting an emphasis on adherence to corporate ethical codes (see ISO 19600:2016 standard).
The established concept of corporate compliance policy is defined both by the conditions of corporate governance, and by its close link to social responsibilities..
The importance of corporate compliance policy lies primarily in prevention, identification and protection and creates a comprehensive system of sustained assurance and improvement of the company activities, while complying with legal, moral and ethical standards and rules, as well as with competition, financial and tax integrity requirements, and finally, it assures appropriate measures against corruption. Equally important areas include the protection of the environment, appropriate employment relations and protection of personal data, etc.
In addition to this, the company has introduced a unified system of communication which is used to share complaints concerning, in particular, unfair conduct that may damage MOSTRO a.s., business partners, related parties, or employees.
The company considers the following areas to be of key importance in terms of protection of data, intellectual property, prevention of corrupt conduct, or other undesirable activities. These measures are intended to reduce the following risks:
- abusing information related to business and trade,
- damage to good reputation
- violations of generally valid and internal regulations,
- occurrence of criminal liability of the company,
- occurrence of property damages,
- disadvantageous legal status, conflict of interests,
- activities promoting corruption,
- unacceptable conduct in terms of work and fire safety including environmental protection,
- acceptance of conditions which are in conflict with ethical rules,
- providing unethical or false information with the intention to harm a third party or company.
Notifications may be communicated using one of the following ways:
- by placing a note in the box located at the main company entrance,
- by filling out the following form.